
Family is the foundation of an enduring and thriving society. Its role must be encouraged, valued, strengthened, and not diminished

  • Parents

    Parents are the primary influence in a child’s life. Moral principles and values are learned at home and parents have the inherent right to raise their children without unwarranted interference. Parents have both a personal and societal obligation to be actively engaged in the lives of their children. Government programs are not adequate substitutes for an engaged parent.

  • Education

    Parents should be able to choose the best educational option for their children, while being an active partner in their child’s education. The role of school is to teach the skills necessary to empower individuals to become contributing members of society. Among these basic skills are reading, writing, and arithmetic. The government monopoly on education has proven to be ineffective, it has produced declining test results, despite increased spending, placing the United States far behind other developed nations. Many schoolteachers, administrators and school boards have become ideological competitors with parents to the detriment of the students, community, and social fabric. Parental rights must be respected just as their responsibility and engagement should be expected. It is Common Sense that school is not an ideological breeding ground, and that the student remains the primary beneficiary of education.

  • Community

    Strong families create strong communities. Civic involvement and community participation should be supported, encouraged, and left unencumbered. Children should have the opportunity to experience childhood and develop in age-appropriate environments as they form bonds of friendship and community. It is Common Sense that people contribute in a positive manner to the communities in which they live.