It Will Not Be Easy, But it Will Be Worth it

We all feel it - we keep up with the news or just observe what is going on in our country and wonder how we got here. Where did common sense go? How did we get to a point where:

Protests are raging on college campuses across the country where Jewish students are being harassed, assaulted, and prevented from moving freely; the American flag is being replaced with the Palestinian flag.

The former President of the United States and GOP Presidential nominee is being prosecuted in four separate jurisdictions on four separate matters during an election year - it all amounts to political persecution. The business records case in New York by District Attorney Alvin Bragg may be the most offensive to the rational mind. 

Federal immigration law is being overtly ignored and unenforced as millions of migrants from around the world enter the country undocumented. Meanwhile, we face housing and drug crises at home, which are exacerbated by the issue. 

We are funding multiple foreign wars with no clear end-game in sight as our national debt soars to incomprehensible levels. Meanwhile, our congressional representatives immaturely trade personal insults as House Oversight Committee hearings devolve into chaos - we pay these people!

People seem to be less healthy, less happy, and less wealthy than the previous few generations. Reproduction rates have dropped to historical lows - a sign of a lack of optimism about the future. Inflation rates are crippling the working class.

We must not forget that this country is ours and we, the people, have the power to correct the wrongs that we are observing. In order to do that, we have to be willing to speak our minds and make sacrifices - we can not resort to apathy, complacency, or temporary comfort. The Common Sense Movement seeks to restore pride in American culture by uniting people around the fundamental values of family, freedom, and security. We believe that this is possible, but acknowledge that it will not be easy. 

We are inspired by the founding fathers and what it took to set the greatest country humankind has ever known into motion. Of the 56 men that signed the Declaration of Independence, five were captured by the British and tortured before they died, twelve had their homes ransacked and burned, and another nine died as a result of the Revolutionary War. Others had sons that died or were captured.

Across human history, societies have been controlled by tyrannical and corrupt leadership. Liberty is not the norm - it is a rare gift we inherited and are obligated to preserve. The founders of our country were steadfast in their conviction that government must be by and for the people, so much so that they were willing to make great sacrifices in their pursuit. We owe a deep gratitude to them. 

We are at a critical juncture in our young nation’s history - a time where we must choose between a society controlled by centralized power, or a society where the power lies with the people. I believe it will require the believers in the American experiment to make sacrifices in order to preserve the blessing of liberty. I believe in the strength of the American spirit and know that this can be accomplished.

The challenge lies in convincing the American people that making personal sacrifices to preserve liberty is worth it in the long run. It is almost like convincing a middle schooler to choose parents that make you read and go to bed on time every night instead of parents that will let you have sleepovers with your friends whenever you want. It will not be easy, but it will be worth it.

Thanks for reading. I will leave you with some inspirational quotes:

“Nothing worth having comes easy.” - Theodore Roosevelt

“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” - Benjamin Franklin, 1775


Sam Brown: Army Captain, Survivor, NV Senate GOP Nominee


Common Sense Spotlight: Tim Sheehy