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Stop Treating Children Like Adults
The West generally, but specifically the United States, is going down a dangerous path that will result in untold and horrendous consequences for children. Childhood depression is worsening and suicidal tendencies are skyrocketing. We are reckless with our children. How do we fix this? It’s going to be a long fight. Let’s start by giving them their childhood back. Stop treating children like adults.
Common Sense in The Modern Financial World
Recently I went to my local library to check out Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" I have posted 7 of my favorite quotes below.
Free Speech and the Marketplace of Ideas in Modern Society
Free speech and the marketplace of ideas are fundamental to modern society. These concepts have been present in Western philosophy since the Enlightenment, and the American Revolution and subsequent founding of the United States promoted their value. The American experiment has demonstrated that these values are crucial for the functioning of a successful democracy. Today, technology has brought new challenges to free speech, particularly on online platforms. However, it is more important than ever to protect free speech, even on online platforms like Twitter, which has become the modern-day town square. Elon Musk's advocacy for free speech and the marketplace of ideas is particularly relevant in today's world. His tweets often challenge the status quo and push back against censorship and propaganda, which is crucial in a world where governments around the world continue to use censorship and propaganda to control their populations. The protection of free speech and the marketplace of ideas is essential to ensure that our society continues to thrive and progress.
A Call for Common Sense
In recent years, there has been a growing sense that the government is becoming too powerful and too intrusive. This has led to a backlash against government, with many people calling for a smaller, less powerful government that is more responsive to the needs of the people.
Press Release: The Common Sense Movement
Boston, MA -- The Common Sense Movement seeks to address the shared characteristics of the American experience. Promoting and defending family, freedom, and security this movement aims to reunite the spirit of America by identifying and supporting candidates for political office who hold the simplicity of these values of highest regard in order to direct policy, and discussions towards common sense solutions.