The Common Sense Movement

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Stand Up for America — Embracing Freedom in a Digital Age

In an era where technology and politics intertwine with unprecedented complexity, it is imperative to scrutinize the actions of those in power. The rise of digital tools has given corrupt officials unprecedented control, enabling them to monitor, manipulate, and maintain their grip on power through deceitful and often violent means. This modern panopticon is not only a violation of our rights but a direct attack on the principles that form the bedrock of our nation.

The irony is that if you build a panopticon, it stares back. Julian Assange is in jail for the crime of exposing war crimes, which were only able to be revealed because of the modern internet and other technologies that Assange and WikiLeaks used to obtain and disseminate these truths. The battlefield has changed dramatically in the past 100 years, shifting from physical confrontations to digital warfare.

Those who master cryptography and embrace decentralized technologies will become the new sovereigns. By using cryptographic tools, individuals can shield themselves from invasive surveillance, reclaim their privacy, and assert their autonomy. In this digital age, cryptography empowers citizens to resist tyranny and ensure that power remains decentralized and accountable.

The Hypocrisy of the Deplorable Elite

Hillary Clinton once referred to Trump voters as “deplorables,” a term that ironically reflects her own actions and those of her peers. Her involvement in global conflicts, resulting in the loss of countless innocent lives, exemplifies the true nature of deplorability. The elite, shielded by their wealth and influence, perpetuate violence and chaos under the guise of maintaining order and security. It is much easier to order bombings from an ivory tower than to face the human cost of such destruction up close.

The American public is awakening to this hypocrisy, recognizing that the real threat to freedom comes not from foreign lands but from within our own borders. Importantly, this is not a Democrat vs. Republican issue; it is an establishment vs. anti-establishment struggle. The real divide lies between those who wield power to oppress and destroy and those who seek to reclaim their autonomy and liberty.

The Constitution: A Timeless Beacon of Liberty

Despite Washington D.C. being full of deplorables, the Bill of Rights, enshrined in the Constitution, stands as a timeless testament to individual freedoms and protections against tyranny. While far from perfect, it is remarkable how well a piece of paper has upheld the constitutional republic that is the United States of America. However, in the digital age, these rights are under constant threat. The First Amendment guarantees freedoms concerning religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition. The Second Amendment protects the right to keep and bear arms, ensuring a check against tyranny. Amendments that protect privacy, due process, and fair trials are being eroded by pervasive surveillance and intrusive government policies.

The Fourth Amendment, for instance, protects against unreasonable searches and seizures. Yet, our phones, indispensable companions in modern life, serve as sophisticated surveillance devices. Edward Snowden has repeatedly highlighted the dangers of this ubiquitous surveillance, urging us to recognize the double-edged nature of these tools. Each app, each feature, collects and transmits data, often without our explicit knowledge or consent. This data is used to create detailed profiles, ostensibly for improving user experience but also for targeted advertising and, more insidiously, for surveillance.

The New Battlefield

The battlefield has evolved. Cyberwarfare, drones, and AI tools are creating a world vastly different from the one soldiers of the 20th century faced. War has a way of waking people up; bad ideas get rooted out quickly during times of conflict due to necessity. If your ideas fail, you die. This harsh reality underscores the critical importance of privacy and freedom in our digital age.

In a society where every movement, conversation, and transaction can be monitored, the need for privacy becomes paramount. Cash remains a great tool for privacy, as does the use of secure communication apps and encryption. However, protecting our data is not merely about safeguarding personal information; it is about preserving our very way of life. Embracing protocols like Bitcoin and N.O.S.T.R (Notes and Other Stuff Transmitted by Relay) is essential to enforcing a digital constitution that safeguards our freedoms. Protocols may not be perfect, but they are inherently more reliable than people. With protocols, the rules are defined and immutable, resistant to the corruption and bribery that can alter human decisions. By leveraging these technologies, we can create a robust defense against the encroaching surveillance state.

The Moral Imperative

It is our duty as Americans to resist tyranny and uphold the Constitution. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown how governments around the world can exploit crises to expand their control. The erosion of our rights under the guise of public safety is a dangerous precedent that must be challenged. Greatness cannot be achieved by allowing others to weaponize guilt. We must stand firm against those who seek to control us through fear and manipulation.

God forbid that we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion!…What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that the people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take up arms…The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure. — Thomas Jefferson

There is a time and place to fight back against any bloodthirsty tyrant who seeks to destroy your life and private property to maintain their power. For example, if the Government starts conscripting people to fight unjust wars. However, if you can avoid violence through peaceful means, that is ideal. We can harness technologies for peaceful resistance.

Emerging technologies like Bitcoin, N.O.S.T.R., and other decentralized protocols offer humanity a digital constitution that enshrines our rights and liberties. While these protocols may not be flawless, they are inherently more resilient and incorruptible than traditional human institutions. Unlike centralized systems, immutable protocols cannot be altered through cash bribes and human fallibility. By leveraging these technologies, we can fortify our defenses against the ever-expanding surveillance state and reclaim our individual autonomy in the digital realm.

In the words of Hal Finney, “The computer can be used as a tool to liberate and protect people, rather than to control them.” Let us harness this power for good, ensuring that technology serves as a force for freedom rather than oppression. Together, we can make the Constitution great again and secure a future where liberty and justice prevail.