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Panic Inside the Democrat Party: Will Joe Biden be Replaced as the Nominee?

The talking points are in, and the media arm of the Democratic party is in full war-time mode to replace Joe Biden as the presumptive nominee.

One question remains: Will the medias pressure campaign be enough to force President Biden to step aside?

Every major left-leaning news outlet is in lockstep, with headlines reading, “A Fumbling Performance and a Panicking Party” -New York Times, “Biden’s Disastrous Debate Pitches his Reelection Bid into Crisis” -CNN, and “The Movement to Convince Biden to Not Run is Real” -Politico.

It’s hard to see a scenario where Joe Biden doesn’t resign in the coming weeks with headlines and left-wing media pundits using this rhetoric

If mainstream news outlets like CNN and MSNBC continue to pursue this rhetoric on air, it will turn off Democrat voters to President Biden and result in even more abysmal poll numbers.

We have yet to see any post-debate polls, but if I had to guess the medias polling will start to show Biden trailing Trump by a larger deficit.

The Democrat media seems to have made up their mind on their attempt to replace President Biden, but what are Democratic elected officials saying?

There’s a split.

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jefferies (D-NY) was asked by reporters last night if he thinks Joe Biden should step down after his performance during the debates. Mr. Jefferies simply responded with, “No.”

Other prominent Democrat leaders like Gavin Newsom (D-CA) and Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) remain supportive of Joe Biden and are not calling for his resignation.

Statements coming in from President Biden’s campaign this morning show defiance from his camp, with a top advisor stating that “Not only does President Biden not plan to drop out, but Biden also remains committed to a second debate in September.” 

Only time will tell how this will play out.

On the flip side, Darren Beattie (@darrenjbeattie) at Revolver News believes it is too late for Biden to be replaced and makes a compelling case as to why Biden would cling to power.

“There's a lot of talk about replacing Biden---and nothing is impossible. But the mechanics of it at this stage are far more involved and difficult than people imagine.” Said Beattie in a post-debate tweet.

With Biden and his family’s dark past of receiving payments from foreign governments, Beattie says it is more likely than ever that Biden will cling to power to pardon himself and his loved ones before leaving office.

Beattie also states how it is too late to replace Biden, citing DNC procedures and consensus on choosing a new candidate.

Read his full tweet below:

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